Hybrid Battery Replacement in Monrovia, CA

The high-voltage battery for your hybrid vehicle is a complex system that needs to work together. When your hybrid vehicle requires the replacement of the hybrid battery, you need to have it replaced by a trained and certified technician that knows your hybrid vehicle's high-voltage system.
There are many shops and mobile mechanics that claim to have refurbished or rebuilt hybrid battery packs that they can install for a cheap price. What we have seen at our shop in Monrovia after these so-called hybrid specialists have worked on the battery pack is more of a Frankenstein battery pack.
They claim to have the batteries balanced and charged so that it is just as good as a new factory battery pack. This is far from the truth. When the vehicle arrives at Seiko's Auto Service after the repair at another location, we see that the internal resistance is all over the place and the voltage readings are way off from one another. With this imbalance, the customer is left with a vehicle that does not drive well and the warning lights are on with the same fault codes as before the cheap repair. We have also seen some battery packs that have damaged the high voltage ECU and had to replace more components that otherwise should have not failed.

It does not make sense to spend money on a repair that will not last and leave you with frustration and more money spent than performing the repair correctly the first time.
Here at Seiko’s Auto Service, in Monrovia, CA, our highly trained technicians will diagnose the problem before replacing any parts, install the high voltage battery correctly, and we will only use a new factory specific high voltage battery pack that will give you many years and miles of worry-free performance.